Succession Planning for Farmers and Ranchers

Tuesday, Septmeber 18, 2018
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Antlers Hilton Hotel
(4 South Cascade Avenue)
Members: $30.00
Guests: $30.00
First time guest eligible for membership is complimentary.
“Succession Planning for Farmers and Ranchers”
Julie Karavas, JD, LLM-Tax
Karavas & Kranz, PC
◊ Meeting reservations need to be made via email to If you do not receive an email reservation confirmation, your reservation has not been received. Or, you may call Mary Sue Powers, 271-0346 to make your reservation. Reservations are due by Thursday September 14, 2018. Please RSVP whether or not you are attending. It would be appreciated if members who prepaid for their meals would RSVP.
◊ Guests will be charged for the breakfast meeting ($30.00). A first time guest who is eligible to apply for membership will receive a complimentary breakfast. All members are encouraged to bring potential members! Guests may attend two meetings a year unless they have submitted a membership application.
◊ Dues for 2018-2019 are now due. They are $180.00 for the year and the check should be made payable to EPC and can be mailed c/o Mary Sue Powers, 2295 Old Ranch Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80908. If you want to prepay for the breakfasts, the discounted fee is $150.00. This can be included in your dues payment ($330 total).
◊ Future Meeting dates:
October 16, 2018 November 13, 2018
January 15, 2019 February 19, 2019
March 19, 2019 May 7, 2019