Using ColoradoGives to Inspire Family Philanthropy With Charitable Tax Planning Strategies

Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Time: 3:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: Garden of the Gods Club, 3320 Mesa Road
Speaker: Dana Rinderknecht and Lynda Ricketson- Community First Foundation and Steve Marken, JD, CSPG Trustee Services Group

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

(note:  this is second Tuesday)


3:30 PM – 6:30 PM

 Garden of the Gods Club

(3320 Mesa Road)

      Members:    complimentary      Guests:        $30.00

Using ColoradoGives to Inspire Family Philanthropy With Charitable Tax Planning Strategies

Dana Rinderknecht and Lynda Ricketson

 Community First Foundation

Steve Marken, JD, CSPG

Trustee Services Group and Stewardship Counsel

    Meeting reservations need to be made via email to  If you do not receive a reservation confirmation, your reservation has not been received.  Or, you may call Mary Sue, 271-0346 to make your reservation.  Reservations are due by Monday, April 30, 2018.  Please RSVP whether or not you are attending.   It would be appreciated if members who prepaid for their meals would RSVP.   This meeting is complimentary for the members.


◊  2018-2019 Slate of Trustees (to be voted on at this Annual Meeting)

            President:                Lacey J. Fugleberg, CFP®, ChFC®

            President-Elect:      David Groe, CFP®, CTFA

            Secretary:                Ann Ries, CFP®

            Treasurer:                Matt Gardner, Esq.

            Immediate Past President will be Ann Koenigsman, CPA


◊    All members are encouraged to bring guests.  A guest may attend two meetings a year unless the guest has applied for membership.  Guests are $30 for the annual meeting.


Meeting Notices sponsored by:


◊    Future Meeting dates: 

September 18, 2018           October 16, 2018                             November 13, 2018

January 15, 2019                 February 19, 2019                           March 19, 2019

May 7, 2019


Please RSVP by 4/30/18 to

See Upcoming Event Calendar